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Isn’t it funny how things run in cycles? Fashion, trends, guru stupidity.

How many times do you have to hear it? 10 times, 30 times, a 1000 times? They keep running the same routine.
11-14-2024   Bruce  …we got one piece of Intel, one piece but it might be all we need…And Here’s how it went, we did speak to someone who is at a redemption center. This person said that they were told that they were waiting for the US, the new US Treasury, to make an announcement …an announcement from the new US Treasury and the email from Wells Fargo, both of those to happen within next three days…Wednesday, Thursday and Friday… it could happen anytime those three days, or it might take all the way to Friday… let’s…see where we stand at that point  If it’s not this three days, it’s the next three days. Over and over, time and again. Call for some accountability! None of his pieces of intel have been ANYTHING we needed. He continues to pull in the listeners (according to him) that pay for his “job” of running the Fake Call. As usual, he said it, count out this week.

11-14-2024  Frank26 …When you look at the monetary reform education right now, with all this information occurring right now, then one can logically say it has already started.  The moment they show those pictures [of the lower notes] it’s all over with and I strongly believe they’re going to show them this year.  To me November, December and January and February, it’s all the same year.  It’s the process. So first it’s the end of the year, now we hear that your year has no end. If January and February are the same as this year, the process is broken.

11-14-2024   MarkZ   Parliamentarian reveals the suspension of the Oil and Gas Law  “Territorial Differences”   This is the HCL…They say they have to resolve these points. I think it’s already done…. What I am hearing from Iraq is very different then what is printed in the paper. Now right before Kuwait RV’d…we had the same type of articles. And then BAM- they did it…on the same day.  Similar story in China when they RV’d. Mixed stories are on purpose so we do not know the timing…. lots of words that don’t sound good individually, suspension, differences and such. I’m really tired of hearing how Kuwait or China changed their value, this is a completely different scenario. There were no big notes when that happened in those countries, so you can’t compare.

11-14-2024   MarkZ   If Iraq is going to be the financial savior of the world (according to Jaime Dimon) then it may have to have a higher rate than Kuwait.   Sudani said the dinar  would go back to its former glory and would be the most valuable currency in the world.  He also said the revaluation would be done by Victory day…which is December 10th. Honestly, don’t you think if Sudani had made a statement that was made public such as the value changing, there would be an increased demand for the dinar? Again, he said it, don’t expect it by December 10th.

Nothing of note has really been out there lately. The HCL, the WTO, and the other things we’d look for, specifically the restrictions, have not been announced. So we continue to wait, keep the guru roar down, I’m sure we’ll get the whole “it’s going to be a Christmas to remember” story from the gurus, why? Well they need that money for Christmas presents don’t they? Don’t spend, send or support them, this is the real dinar scam, the gurus making money off their bad information. Always hawking some product or begging for your support. Stop the madness, stop visiting their sites and watching their youtube channels, it’s not worth the waste of time.