The ol’ switcheroo…

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So here we are on Tuesday after Labor Day, according to the gurus, you’re supposed to be at the bank. Or at least awaiting your appointment to go in. How’s that working out for you?

Be prepared! There’ll be an influx of topic-changing, next event happening, the problem has been resolved, what had happened was statements upcoming. Again, showing that their “high-level contacts” amount to a former Iraqi citizen who’s living in New Jersey as a housewife they contacted on Facebook. (For real, that’s one of the gurus contacts)

So what now? It didn’t happen (again) like they said it would. Will you continue to support them, to take the bait, to click on those sites or join those calls? Will you listen to the playback hoping for some tidbit of hope that will allow you to hang on one more day while you consider selling out? As with any investment, there are risks. The biggest risk in this particular investment is the depression you could fall into listening to someone tell you how this is happening week in and week out. You hold a currency, a currency that has a value. If you went to a currency exchange location at your local mall, you could exchange that for basically what you paid for it, depending when you bought it. This is not a scam. You didn’t receive a promise this would happen in a day or a decade (or two). Just like a stock is has the chance to gain or lose value, the dollar adjusts daily, same for most other countries. Now, you may have bought on the word of a friend this would change in some short time and “you better get in now” or you would lose the chance to change your life. They probably meant well, but were basing their immediacy on the misguided knuckleheads who are only saying today, tomorrow, this weekend, to benefit from your hopium. Iraq is a country. Iraq is a country with a currency that was devalued due to war restrictions. Iraq is a country rich in oil, minerals, and other resources that will cause the value of their currency to rise. It had value in the past, not an inflated value dictated by a dictator, but a genuine, internationally recognized value that was much higher. There were less resources then, and less infrastructure with which to build a non-oil reliant economy. Let me stop there because they HAVE over the last 5 years made tremendous strides in that structure to make sure they can support themselves outside the world of petroleum products. But make no mistake, they own MASSIVE amounts of oil that aren’t just going to dry up, and no bidenomics bill is going to stop them from exporting 15% of their supplies to us anytime in the near or distant future. So they are loading up on one hand with continued oil revenues WHILE they have supported the other side to provide a great base for their citizens. There will be an increase in the value of their assets, including their currency.

So what can you expect this week? Lots of gurus telling you something new! Why? Because they need to shift focus from their failed “you’re at the bank today” storyline they fed you all weekend for those bonus clicks and listens. Here’s a few twists they gave you over the weekend in review:
9-1-2024 MarkZ  Comment:   …13 Iraqi banks now trading international currency.  MarkZ:  I think that one is very important. They can now exchange back and forth in different currencies. The mechanism to exchange foreign currencies went live…I think this one is huge. First, the APPROVAL came through for 13 banks to be able to handle foreign currency, this is good news, but to say it like they are rolling currencies out by the truckload is wrong. But then we move to this, 9-3-2024  MarkZ   They are openly talking about Lower Denominations in Iraq again…13 banks are set up in Iraq to handle exchanges. You see what happened here? We went from 13 banks being able to exchange currencies (mostly for travelers) to 13 banks being set up to handle exchanges. Exchanges? That probably immediately evoked ideas of a currency exchange in your mind, like the type of exchange we will be doing at a US bank. Wrong. Again, this is just banks in Iraq that are able to do currency exchanges to cut down on the black market money changers working on the streets. It’s good they are doing this, but the context is implying much more.

Expect the conversation over the next few days to move to increased oil flow, banks noting increased activity in Iraq, and I’d bet something to do with the HCL. All of this will be to divert your attention until they can find something else to cling to keep you coming back to their sites and channels. Stop the madness and walk away from their sites.

I’ll leave you with today’s joke of the day: 9-1-24 Wolverine “looks like everything has now been lined up for Tuesday September 3. It’s going to be a shotgun start. All contracts have been signed. Everything is ready to go… Tier 1, Tier 2, 3 and 4 banks around the world are fully integrated and ready for distribution. The RV is finally here. God Bless, your friend, Wolverine”. So anyone that continues to lie to you, is not your friend. An addict is someone who has to do something because they can’t resist, this guy has a problem. I can’t provide anymore proof than just posting anything he says, it’s sad really, why anyone would not demand some level of accountability is beyond me.

A fun Q&A next time, keep the questions coming at [email protected].