That one time in a dinar chatroom…

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Having been in the dinar investment for so long, wait, first of all, you need to understand this IS an investment. Just like speculating and buying stock, commodities, gold, or even a baseball card, the Iraqi dinar is an investment. It has a value that is real and perceived. The whole idea that it’s a scam is ludicrous. Like any investment, there will be ups and downs, hype men to pump it up, and naysayers who will constantly badger others to believe their opinion as well. So where are you? Are you someone who trusts in the choice you made to get involved, someone who bought a little just in case you were wrong but don’t tell anyone, or that guy who just can’t see how something so small in value could possibly give any significant return on investment?

Back to my original thought, having been in the investment for so long, I’ve been privy to quite a bit of information. Some good, some bad and some real ugly truths about some of the people who have pretended to give helpful information over the years. I won’t call out many of the specifics, but let’s just say some of those that were so desperate to “land their planes” would do anything to give you some bit of information. So who do you believe? Articles are a good place to start, but just like the good book, people can twist things up and make it into what suits their process. I still talk to people, do some interviews with Congress people and occasionally have the chance to have a little sidebar to discuss what they might know. I can tell you this, it’s real, there will be a change in the value of the dinar at some point. When that happens is far above my pay grade and most are getting such ambiguous information, they are reaching for straws in picking a date. Two things to look for, in no order because they should be close, 1) the opening of the budget, and 2) the lower denoms. Did you know in the past 20 or so years, Iraq has been amazing at approving budgets, having had budgets approved in all but 2 or 3 years. But, the sad part is they don’t OPEN the budgets, they’ve borrowed money until last year when they were cut off. That’s why the passing of the tripartite budget was so encouraging for me. I thought, YES! they’ll finally open one. But here we sit one year into an unopened three year budget. So does that mean we have to wait two more years? I hope not, but from what I can gather, if we don’t have a budget open by April (which could/should mean an RV), I’m just not sure it happens til the end of the year or next year. Now that does that mean that’s my expectations? Nope. But why are you back now? I just got tired of being asked questions about the same old things. Question the nonsense! Ask those people that continually tell you their “sources” say this day and that day, and we’re closer than we’ve ever been, or definitely this month, Why? What’s different this time? Is this the same quack that’s been telling you this for the last 20 years? I had people I used to talk to about this in higher up positions, but they got as frustrated as I did. So I just stopped asking and said, hey man, call me if anything ever happens. I’ve seen a couple of the bank memos that say there may be changes in currencies and blah, blah, blah. The banks know only what piece of paper comes down the pipe, and there’s some jokers on the other end at the printer let me tell you. Lots more things to discuss while we wait, feel free to email your questions through the site and I’ll kick a few out here if it helps.