You may or may not have heard the old saying, “the lights are on, but nobody’s home.” Well for most of the gurus that doesn’t even apply. The lights are off and most have checked out long ago.
Taking a little break with work next week, so post may be a bit sporadic, but I’ll try to check in. With that said, I did want to address a couple of statements floating around.
11-16-2024 PompeyPeter All dinar related, all good. And I will say personally we are in the best place we have ever been to see our blessing. This is the biggest load of rainbows statement any guru makes. We’ve never been closer, or the best place we’ve ever been, poppycock!
Just say it, you don’t have a clue, no one is talking to you and you don’t know anything. So let’s all go to our happy place. Whatever man, you’re one day closer to dying is the only guarantee you can make about it. All shhhhtuff could break loose tomorrow in the Middle East and we’d be back to square one. You can’t make guarantees or promises on them.
11-16-2024 MarkZ Some real positive stuff out of Iraq this morning. Article: “Al Bandowi: Iraq is moving towards full sovereignty with America’s commitment to withdraw its forces” Most of this withdrawal is happening before 2025. In other words in the last and final part if this year. Why is this important? Sovereign currency and sovereign country. And we have been told repeatedly that troops will be gone once US is paid….IE Revaluation. I’m going to say this again, THE U.S. TROOPS WILL NEVER LEAVE IRAQ COMPLETELY. Period. They will change their status, but we will never leave. How do I know? Let’s look at troop deployments around the globe. We have 120 bases in Japan with 52,713 troops, 119 bases in Germany with 33,948 troops, 73 bases in South Korea and 26,414 troops, heck we have 13 bases in Turkey, 10 bases in Kuwait, 10 bases in Saudi Arabia and even a base in Cuba. So you think we’re going to abandon the LARGEST embassy in the world to be overrun by just anyone? NO. We will no longer be consider occupying troops, but rather diplomatic troops, and besides, we have 2500 troops there, there’s almost that many in Kuwait and more in at least 8 other countries around the world. So don’t tell me we’re just gonna load the planes and pack it up to the U.S., it won’t happen like that. It will be merely a status change and we’ll confine ourselves to the Embassy and base areas that we keep active.
11-16-2024 Nader From The Mid East The people in the banks, they are no more than me and you. They don’t know more than you and me. They actually know less than because they don’t tell them anything. They just tellers and saving account sales…that’s it. Not like I haven’t said that enough times. The banks don’t know anything. You’ll know the same time, maybe sooner than they do. Glad this got posted to the Uber board for junior to read.
11-16-2024 Frank26 All they talked about this week was the HCL. As you know the HCL cannot be with a program rate. It has to be with the new exchange rate. I’ve always said to you IMO the moment you see the HCL, nanoseconds later you’ll see the new exchange rate. You’re about to see the HCL because they’re telling you this… Here’s my problem with the theory that ANY objective in Iraq can’t happen without a program rate, the answer is simple, a dinar is a dinar in Iraq. What the value is outside of Iraq doesn’t matter. The purchasing power they have with international economics doesn’t matter inside the country. When you buy something here in the U.S. you spend a dollar, if you buy something online in the UK, you pay the difference between the USD and Euro exchange rate. So, when Iraq shares its profits with the citizens, it will pay them in Dinar. It doesn’t matter how much the plan distributes to the citizens, it would be easier with smaller notes, but the value of the distribution is still a dinar.
11-16-2024 Bruce …everything is supposed to be triggered…Saturday night, which is the 16th…but it really shows up for us in the internet group Monday morning by noon, it’s when we’re supposed to get our notifications, and then we get set our appointments and go in for exchanges, either Monday, afternoon, evening or Tuesday... We should have Christmas before Thanksgiving, in a sense. Count out this weekend, he said it. Maybe we should keep records to determine who between Brucey and Wolferine have called it more consecutively weeks in a row. At the end of the day, it’s still a duck.
I still have an interest in how the end of the year shakes out, there are “promises” to end auctions and WTO meeting in the first quarter, so there are things on the horizon to hope for. The biggest problem is as always, Iraq doesn’t have a good track record with implementation of things. They’ll vote, they’ll pass, but they don’t implement. So what we really want to see is SOMETHING implemented, a budget, the HCL or restrictions lifted. In guru talk, we’d say, “we’ll wait and see.”