What a joke…
How many times will these gurus keep telling you nonsense for attention? It's becoming unbearable... Starting off black friday with some real deals for sure.11-29-2024 Wolverine I’m under an NDA so…
How many times will these gurus keep telling you nonsense for attention? It's becoming unbearable... Starting off black friday with some real deals for sure.11-29-2024 Wolverine I’m under an NDA so…
They have no clue. I have really come to believe the less a guru knows, the bigger their ego is. Because of these guys are WAY out there. Here we…
At this point, the lies are getting desperate. Been a bit, was gone a week on business and didn't have the time to post but here we are, playing catch…
So are you a turkey or ham person for Thanksgiving? Most would be traditional and say turkey, so today's turkey winner is... How hard is it for them to just…
Have a work trip this week, so posts may be short and sweet as the schedule dictates. Let's jump in, there are some explanations to make.11-17-2024 Frank26...I was ecstatic, I…
You may or may not have heard the old saying, "the lights are on, but nobody's home." Well for most of the gurus that doesn't even apply. The lights are…
Isn't it funny how things run in cycles? Fashion, trends, guru stupidity. How many times do you have to hear it? 10 times, 30 times, a 1000 times? They keep…
Every time the gurus come out and give you an exact date, I can only tell you to mark that date off. We just won't know like that. Kicking off…
I feel like some of these gurus grew up in a time when everybody got a trophy, because you participated... I've made no secret I've been in this for some…
I know I'm hard on the "daily call" gurus but there's plenty of finger shaking to go around, so today, the negative Nellies. 11-8-2024 Kaperoni A country's exchange rate is not…