And we’re off to the races…

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It’s the 9th, and as expected, here they come!

So this will be the “what’s your gurus excuse” week. The question will be just how far they want to string you along for the next “back wall” date. It didn’t take much to see this coming from a mile away.

12-9-2024   MarkZ  Question:  I’m just curious “what if” parliament doesn’t sign off before the 10th?  MarkZ:  If they don’t make it – I’m still sticking around until they do…  I still think we could see the RV before Christmas. Possibly in the next few days. Worst case scenario – by the end of January…. always interesting when push comes to shove, so not tomorrow, maybe in a few days, oh before Christmas, but for sure in by next month. You see the pattern in one statement. All they want is the attention, the clicks and the follows. This has nothing to do with real information, it has everything to do with keeping you coming back and paying attention. You don’t need this information, its all fluff.

12-9-2024   Frank26  FIREFLY: TV talking about old and new currency, how they will coexist.  Mr Sammy said remember they want all done by the 10th.   FRANK:  I TOLD YOU SO!! lol...Sudani is in control of the new exchange rate. What will Ol’ Sammy have to say tomorrow, better yet, what will Frank have to tell you so tomorrow? Nothing, because they’ll move on to the next date they can come up with. Oh and P.S. Iraq doesn’t care about our Christmas.

12-8-2024   Frank26   The monetary reform is an agreement.  It is comprised of many different parts.  The best part I can give you as an example would be article 140.  Article 140 is the agreement for the HCL to be given to the citizens through the budget…Nothing is stopping it…I know the HCL is agreed upon.  I know Article 140 has taken care of it… laws are a funny thing, they don’t exist without you knowing about it. So when someone tells you a law is “done” you should know about it. They have a simple process in Iraq, vote on it three times, president signs off on it and publish it in the Gazette. Not rocket science, just protocol.

I’m sure there will be a number of other excuses popping up later today through tomorrow, pay attention to how they really don’t give you a valid reason as to why things aren’t happening. Or in some cases, the ridiculous reasons they didn’t. There are still things to be done, we’ll see that happens with the news over the next couple of weeks, but the obvious thing will be if the auctions really cease, or this is just another failed implementation by Iraq to do anything they say they will. That would at least be an agent for change if they can follow through. There are still other processes that we need to see so lets continue to see what real things come out Iraq.