Oops, here comes the excuses…

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I warned you the excuses would be fast and furious as things got closer to the 10th. Be prepared for some blame to fly…

We’ll blame the Kurds, the Sunnis, the Americans, the dinosaurs, you name it, they’ll be coming this week. So many told you that Victory day would be the answer! It’s what we’ve been waiting for and all their contacts are pumped and excited we’ve never been closer. Ha, well we know what the contacts have, nothing. I’ve had people in the past say, “well you’re just bashing because you don’t have contacts” that’s wrong, I don’t bash because their contacts don’t know anything, I explain to you why they shouldn’t be posting all the things they can’t prove with any bit of certainty that they spread as the truth. I told you months ago, I didn’t expect anything to happen until a certain time, that time is now. But that doesn’t mean it’s going to happen now, it just meant that I expected to SEE things that could prove real progress was being made. None of those things have come to fruition, and as I’ve said also, you’ll see this as soon as, or before the gurus have a clue. That doesn’t stop them from sounding off hoping their guesses will be right so they can claim, they’ve been right all along. Whatever. No one will care once this happens and we’ll all fade off into the worlds that we’ve hopefully planned for.

12-7-2024  Frank26 You need to understand that what might seem bad is not, that what you might think is a delay is actually a progressive movement…Sudani controls. It’s not a delay, it’s just things haven’t happened that you say have yet, so we still wait.

12-7-2024   Militia Man Article quote: “House of representative decide to hold next session next Sunday instead of Saturday…12/8/2024.”  They moved it.  Why do they keep moving it?  Why is it so necessary to do that?  ...It [new budget amendment and budget] is exchange rate sensitivity in nature.  If there’s one thing you can count on for Iraq to do, it’s not what they said they would, WHEN they said they’d do it. That’s what worries me about the auctions. My concern is they will kick the can again.

12-7-2024 Kaperoni  Article: “Delete zeros and evaluate the dinar” Question “How many years would this take?”  Currency reform is a result of economic growth and diversification. How long it takes is up to Iraq.  For those of us WITH a calendar and internet, it’s been a while, and there has been growth AND diversification. It’s the other things that keep getting in the way. Number 1 on that list, an internationally accepted AND exchanged currency.

12-7-2024   MarkZ   A number of my contacts from Iraq that very much believe we will cross the finish line in the next 3 days. We have seen tremendous HCL movement in Iraq. There are many rumors that it has already passed. But I can tell you it was not in the Gazette this morning…In the Islamic world they tend to tell you about things…after it is finished. So HCL could be done…just not announced… But the mood is very upbeat in Iraq. There are a number of folks looking at the next 3 days. Well, you guessed it, he said it, so count out the next three days. The HCL isn’t some secret mechanism. It requires fully transparent legal steps to be put in place. This will be the biggest excuse guy in the mix, guaranteed.

12-7-2024   Fnu Lnu  No one is exchanging at this time and [Guru] Pimpy is correct. There are no 800 numbers, no bonds being paid out, no redemption centers, no meetings in Reno, no appointments…etc… This is all Dinar Mythology. So I have to agree and disagree with some points here. First, NO ONE is exchanging at this time. No bonds are being paid out. No meetings in Reno and absolutely NO appointments are being made or met. The 800 numbers, look I was in the group discussions long ago. It makes sense that banks have an 800 number (they already do really) to divert you to the closest branch that can serve your needs. Most of us would call a bank to start to ask what services they offer if you haven’t already. I’m sure in some places, this could overload some systems and an 800 would be far easier to direct people through for answers. The redemption centers, this is a two way sword. Would I show up at some storefront in a strip mall to exchange my dinar, that’s a Hell to the NO for sure! Are there branches better suited to accommodate the exchange of a foreign currency, absolutely. Not every branch will be able to exchange foreign currency on site and will require you to allow them to ship your currency off, or, give you a location that is better equipped to verify on premises. So when you start saying NO some of these things don’t exist, they just don’t exist the way that some of the gurus have explained or claimed they work. If you consider some of the outrageous numbers some of these quacks have thrown out and do the math, you see quickly how unachievable the information is. For instance, one guru says there are some 11,000 redemption centers. And let’s go skeleton crew and say there are 5 people on call when all these “weekend alerts” pop up. And let’s just say those employees make 20 dollars an hour and have been called in 8 times this year. Now that was a weekend, so it was time and a half. So we have 11k x 5 x 30hr x 8 = 13,200,000 dollars roughly those banks would have spent this year on the always happening “on call” weekend. And that’s just with 8 times. Think about how many times the gurus have sworn with their best contacts they spoke to directly have said they were on call. And that’s just one day each time, what about Sundays or nights? These things add up quickly and you can see what a joke it is for them to tell you time and time again there’s someone at the bank.

Keep hanging on and let’s look for real info, probably after the next three days, since those are out…