Ya Gotta Big Mouth…

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Well, here we are, with all those people saying that lower denominations were out all over the country…. and where would those be?

Again, if a currency was to be out in the country, the CBI would have pictures on their site of the currency validating it. That has not been the case, so this is a big pile of donkey poo. A friend of the site, has offered on many occasions to look at any currency that someone has to say is official. He has learned to read the dates and notes on the currency so that he can make sure to know when the real currency is out. So if you continue to hear any stories about lower denoms that doesn’t include a picture on the CBI site, it’s still blowing smoke.

Let’s look at another falsity, 8-31-2024  MarkZ I did get an update this morning from a redemption center contact. They very much still expect to be called into work this weekend.  Their chain of command said to expect to work before Tuesday.  This is excellent news. Honestly, how many of you believe that ANY bank is in the process of calling people in every flipping holiday and weekend. I guess this would explain how many banks are in trouble, paying overtime for useless time spent sitting in a bank “waiting” for you and i to come into the bank to exchange.

And while we’re on the party pack size of bologna, 8-31-2024  Bruce  …there’s so much good stuff coming out with Iraq with their new rate coming up Sunday, international rate, and we’ve [US] occupied one floor in the Central Bank of Iraq.  And we vacate that on Saturday. We no longer will be in that CBI on Saturday…So that’s good news…I just think we’re all ready for this to go… So how about this, if the UST is not gone by Sunday, which it technically already is, You shut your trap and stop posting useless information in the name of your BIG CRAP Call. You’ve spent too many years telling people false information for your benefit, it’s time to walk away and give people a break from your nonsense.

8-31-2024   Intel Guru MarkZ   [via PDK]  …my redemption folks…are on call…but they have been told to expect to work at some point over this long weekend. Since its Labor Day Weekend…This is unusual. Really? You’ve told people that bank staff are on call , many, many times. Mar 18, 2023 — Member: Are redemption center staff working this weekend. MZ: They are on call…but not working …..yet. It’s just so easy to look this stuff up, Post, divert, repeat. It’s all they can do.

While I was perusing the internet looking for some of this, I stumbled on some blasts from the past.
1.1.24 at 4:20 am est everything that the entire world is expecting will commence (start). Nothing will stop it. Bluwolf Blue in the face is more like it, stay on the island, and keep your fake reports with you.
12.28.23 Bruce just said starting this call – that AGAIN he’s been told this will be his last regular call – and so naturally he’s sounding very excited. And even Bruce is saying this really is just a GREAT TIME for Humanity to Receive of this Heavenly Blessing NOW Lots of laughter on this, take your own advice and REALLY, REALLY, stop the calls.
12.25.23 Mike Bara -Received an official announcement from a representative from Zurich signed and stamped that everything is about to get release by the 15th January 2024. Hopefully we expect movement on the 2nd January. I don’t even remember this guy, enough said on that.
12.20.23 Wolverine RV UPDATE: THE IMF HAS RELEASED FUNDS FOR ALL COUNTRIES. US BANKS HAVE LIVE RATES ON SCREEN. WE EXPECT THIS TO BE OFFICIALLY DONE ON TUESDAY OR WEDNESDAY AS THE IRA1 BUDGET WILL BE RELEASED ON WEDNESDAY 12/20/23 NOW WITH 10 DAYS TO SPEND 80% OF THE MONEY. Look, that only thing I can say about this moronic nonsense is, “don’t let your friends or acquaintances do crack”.

Well here we are, September is here, hopefully things will start to shake loose with information. But don’t hold onto any of the nonsense floating around unless there’s valid evidence to back it up. Notes will have pictures, Banks don’t know any sooner than you, and if someone gives you a date any farther out than the second you’re listening, mark that off your expectation calendar.