The guessing game…

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Well there it is, it’s finally out! After all the comments, posts and videos, after clicking in to get caught up on all the “news’, and after some wonderful kickbacks to pay for cigars and stem cells, now we know, it’s just a guess.

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! Hope your weekend is going well and you’re enjoying the weather in your area. As it’s Sunday, we’ve of course got some timing issues that have failed some of the guessers, let’s jump in.

Guesser #1 – 9-7-2024 Wolverine -We are there – at the finish line. This should be our weekend.  Anytime…before Sunday... I am afraid you’ve used up all your guesses contestant, move along. As I’ve said, if this guy gives you date, mark it off your calendar for actually happening.
Guesser #2 – 9-8-2024 MarkZ  Question:  What is your gut feeling for RV Mark?  MarkZ:   …nobody knows the timing…but my gut feeling is between the 11th and 15th…just a guess… Well there you have it! That puts to bed all the “high level” contacts and super sources and boils it down to what it is, JUST A GUESS. That’s all this is, one big guess when you start trying to pinpoint dates.
Guesser #3 – 9-8-2024 Mnt Goat  I had an interesting conversation with my CBI contact.  It was confirmed that they are moving toward a January 2025 reinstatement.  That would be hunky dory if your previous “conversations” with your ahem, “contact” hadn’t confirmed the same thing every 6 months for the past couple of years.

The point of this is throwing out dates does nothing but create stress for everyone. False hopes of quitting your job or buying that house you drive by everyday. It sets up a sense of failure and lack of control which is just not a good space to put yourself in. Focus on the day to day and quit making some guru the hope that gets you through it. If you don’t believe in yourself now, you’ll find yourself relying on far too many people when this does occur. Have a plan, revise the plan as needed, and keep doing what you need to do as if this will never happen. This will keep your focus where it needs to be, on your life, and not making some guru have the chance to kick back and relax because you keep clicking on their crappy info and making them money. We’ll all know at the same time when this happens, no promise of some inside information is going to make things any better for your life at this moment.

Had some interesting questions come in that I’ll try to address soon. Have a great start to the week.