Time doesn’t always work like we think…

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The hype train is rolling full speed, all the gurus are in the any minute, any second mode and you’re left to deal with the aftermath. They really don’t seem to care if they are wrong or not…

Too many times over the last couple decades they’ve called it, done, finished, kaput… but yet here we are still in this mess and they’re still telling you how high and mighty their contacts are. Right at the top, in the know, and highly connected. Well BS on that. If they’re so high and mighty, how about you have been right just once in the last two decades, but no, they haven’t been. People living in Reno, on call at a moment’s notice, can’t go on vacations or plan family events, that’s downright poppycock! But still they babble…

9-19-24 Bruce We are definitely shooting at a moving target because we thought we would be there by yesterday and we had intended to be, but we weren’t and we didn’t really hear why we didn’t go yesterday. But let’s get into where we are and when it is going to happen. Now 24 hours from 04:00 a.m. this morning on Thursday is 04:00 a.m. in the morning on Friday. All the way up to 04:00 p.m. on Friday. So 04:00 a.m. to 04:00 p.m. friday is what we’re looking at for getting our notifications. And yes, the redemption centre, if they’re open on Saturday, they will be open on Sunday. Now other sources have told us that we would be notified tomorrow and we would start our exchanges on the weekend. And that to me is Saturday and or Sunday. We should start exchanges. I think that’s great. I’m telling you, if you see this guy or Wolfenstein on a street corner together, keep driving because they are under the influence of something. Broken records have less repetitions than this one. Moving target for sure, and your aim is awful. How many times will you listen to someone say “we thought we’d be there yesterday and we don’t know why it didn’t go?” Here’s a clue, you don’t have one and never have. The fact you admit you don’t know why something happened should be the dead giveaway to any of those alleged “thousands” you have listening to you.

9-21-2024  Jeff  This investment is coming together thoroughly.  You can see it coming together like clockwork. Clockwork is something you can count on til it’s broken, Iraq has never fallen into the category of being able to be counted on to do what they should or are told. But we are seeing things happen slowly and that’s a good thing.

9-21-2024   MarkZ  It’s been a great week in Iraq and I am so upbeat about this weekend. There’s been no reputable news out of Iraq this week. Rumors of the HCL being discussed, but that’s been almost a monthly thing. Squeaky wheel and all. Hopefully though there will be upcoming discussions that could lead to a compromise.

Let’s see what next week brings, hopefully some news on the HCL, the investment law and maybe even the lifting of restrictions. I still think we’re a little ways (as in a few months) but things are moving, and heavens knows I wouldn’t complain at being wrong. Stay strong.