There’s a LOT of speculation that there will be a revaluation before the weekend is over, some have even guaranteed that will happen…
That of course, pretty much guarantees it won’t happen this weekend. So let’s look at the breakdown:
10-26-2024 Bruce We’ve seen rates on the dinar, on forex, which is a very good rate, just a hair under 20, that is going to be the bank screen, front screen rate – so the redemption center rate should be higher than that. And I told you guys they are supposed to offer us the contract rate on dinar at the redemption center, and that’s going to end up being over five times what it is on the bank screens. So you’re telling me the rate is going to be nearly $100? Geez man, you are more delusional than I thought you were!!! If you haven’t gotten the clue this guy is a quack, you’ll know for sure on Monday. Kick the Big Jerk Call to the curb and move on with your life.
10-26-2024 Wolverine The private contractors have seen their letters of confirmation that they will get paid this coming week. That is a million percent confirmed. The biggest news is that the biggest Whale in the RV got paid and went home to start the process to help humanity…he is a good friend of mine, and when that news came through, I started crying… I also, will be jumping in with them to help with their humanitarian projects…I will be flying out soon, but cannot tell you where. When I get the green light, you will not hear from me again, but the opera [RV?] will come before that happens. Another one you can cancel on Monday. He’s ‘guaranteed’ you’re done, finished, cashing out. And while I would love nothing more than to never hear from him again, Monday will come and he’ll be crowing about some excuse we’re waiting on but definitely next week will be the end. Please fly away, now! Understand, no one can just make a deal with a bank until the rate has officially changed, period.
10-26-2024 MarkZ Nader talked about that on Tuesday the IQD popped up at .1094… We are starting to see those fluctuations regularly on forex etc. to give you an idea of what he saw. Your one million IQD would have gone from about $800 to about $14,000 just like that!! This is enormous but nothing compared to what we hope and expect…but, it is clear they are testing and priming that system. So if one duck, quacks after another duck, then it has to be an official quack correct? Here’s the thing, if it’s paired on the Forex, then it’s tradable. So why hasn’t anyone traded in to that? C’mon, common sense.
10-26-2024 Clare Article: “The Central Bank of Iraq decides to reduce interest to 5.5% in order to support economic growth” Quote: “The Central Bank of Iraq decided to reduce the interest rate from 7.5% to 5.5%, after the inflation rate decreased in Iraq“ This would be amazing news, because we know that an increase in the dinar would probably cause a pop in inflation for a short period. So anything they could do to help offset that would be amazing. This would allow some buffer for any jump that could come afterwards.
Still looking for some of the potential positive news that could come out in regards to the auctions ending, the HCL, and lifting of restrictions on the currency itself. Any of these could help trigger other news that could mean big things for us. Stay strong.