Missouri Me…

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One of the things I get a giggle from every now and then is seeing license plates from other states and their sayings or mottos. I was in PA last week and never really connected the keystone thing until I went to a boulder field in the poconos and realized there are a lot of rocks there.

So today let me go full blown Missouri in my breakdown, in other words, “Show me!” It seems that guru after guru continues to say people have this on the streets, or people are seeing this, and people are being shown some education on another topic. Bottom line, SHOW ME. You can’t keep saying lower denoms are in the streets or in the banks and people are being shown, in today’s digital society, we’d have seen them also.
8-24-2024   Intel Guru MarkZ  COMMENT:  …Iraqi Citizens are being shown the new lower denominations on the street level. They are being distributed in Iraq…If so, I assume this puts us in a short window until it’s on forex for us.   MarkZ:   If they are being distributed…yes.  We do know they have printed them…we have seen the contracts with DeLaRue in 2018 when they were printed. We know they have sent “cut sheets” or samples to banks , large retailers etc…showing all the security features etc. So they have printed them, prepared everyone, educated the exchange houses. They have also formed a committee to educate people on price changes. It’s clear they are going to lower denominations. If they are finally releasing them at the street level… Well, that is huge news… If they had printed cut sheets and were truly educating the citizens, it would be on the CBI site. Think about it, they’re secretly showing citizens and telling them, “now don’t say anything, we don’t want anyone else to know about this”, seriously? If they have a full blown education going on with cut sheets and people being shown these, we’d have seen them as well. I don’t doubt there could be some type of education as to how things could go, but if they had actual examples, someone would have posted them. Huge news? I don’t think so, yet.

So Shasta7 and I were having a conversation recently about how the PTB’s could possibly screw this up for the regular people and I have a couple of theories. Theories mind you, not saying ANY of this would happen, but if you want to play the devil’s advocate here’s what I would propose.
1) As Shasta says, a sucker rate. A lower rate that would pull a bunch of dinar off the streets and then raise the value up to where they really want it. Let’s face it, most of you would bail at .25 cents, much less if it came out at $1 dollar. Here’s the pro’s and con’s of that, because of the limitations on a float, they couldn’t make the value OUTSIDE the country change more than about 2% over a period of time, depending on the regulations applied by the CBI. Allowing a currency value to run can create serious issues with inflation, and while it seems wonderful that their buying power explodes, it can create serious issues with supply and demand. On the other side, they could control the purchasing price of the dinar in the marketplace for a short period of time but that would be difficult to contain before citizens were upset over the different pricing that could occur within the market.
2) Limited exchange period. They could give you a period of time to exchange for other notes, but they would need to give enough of a rate to still convince people to exchange for value rather than currency. Then, after a period of time once they had enough of the large notes in, at say $1.20, they would raise the value to $3.20 on the smaller faced notes by allowing it to free float based on demand and sealing it at the value they want.
3) And this is the real way to screw the people. They come out as a float, let’s say it opens at $1 and people just rush to the banks! The influx of notes would decrease the value and let’s say it drops to .60 cents, more people who were expecting to hold for the price to rise, panic, and exchange. Now, they give a shorter period of time to exchange notes and everyone else crashes the price down to .25 cents with the full unloading of our dinar. The new notes come out, there has only been the ability to purchase the new notes in country. Why would they do this? Preventing capital flight and currency black markets: Restricting the export of a country’s currency helps prevent citizens and businesses from converting and moving large amounts of domestic currency out of the country. This can help the government maintain control over the domestic money supply and exchange rate, and prevent the formation of currency black markets. If you were introducing a new currency, wouldn’t you want to prevent the past from repeating itself?

So does any of this mean, this is how it’s going to go? I don’t believe so, I still believe they will just play this out by continuing to pull the notes off the streets and change the value. They have spent many years pulling notes off the streets, continuing to develop non-oil revenue (which has grown over four times the value in the last year alone), and making promises to their citizens and the world that the dinar would have value equal or greater than the USD. Keep making a plan. This is where I believe you screwproof the PTB. Know what you have and what you need to get out. This is where investment crosses over to gambling. Do you take a chance and wait? Do you go all in on the initial number? If you have a plan, then you know what you can do and when to do it. Avoid the Lottery syndrome that people just see dollar signs and start opening the accounts. I can’t tell you when to get in or out, that should be based solely on your plan. I’m just trying to get you working with the best plan you can make for the person it counts most for, You.