Like taking candy from a baby…

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Good means a lack of self-centeredness, while evil means an inability to empathize with others. Does a guru have empathy?

When you look at what it takes to say the same thing time and time again, without concern for details or the outcome of that information on others, is that evil? I don’t know if I can count it that hard with some, but others that have convicted of doing wrong but yet continue to do the same thing, those I have question. Some of these are trying to make a buck anyway they can, their intentions may not have started as they turned out, but they haven’t learned any accountability for their actions. And yes, some are just doing whatever they can to whomever they can to make more money. It’s not the information that’s wrong, it’s the intent of promises to keep you coming back that do the harm. Let’s breakdown as the week starts off again.

12-2-2024 TNT Tony: “Banks have full release for tomorrow Mon. 2 Dec. 2024 or Tues. 3 Dec. 2024.” Thurs. 28 Nov. 2024 TNT Call: “We got a call from the committee guy. He said the IMF and UN just had a meeting and I was told to call and tell you the currencies that have been green lighted to go are the Iraqi Dinar, ZIM, Venezuela Bolivar, Dong and Zimbabwe ZIM.” Yeah, so guess what’s not going to happen? The hot dog man is a convicted schemer, so if you’re listening to anything he’s saying you have too many examples of crooked behavior. This is an example of the lack of empathy for others, when you charge others with the guise of everything is “fantastic” you want nothing but attention.

12-1-2024 Wolverine: “Hi guys just to keep you all happy. I’m very, very happy as Christmas is coming much early. That is all I can say. Merry Christmas everyone.” For someone who’s not supposed to talk, speaks this much, you know for sure they crave nothing but attention.

12-1-2024 Judy Byington Get ready for 10 days of communication darkness. Shutdowns will occur, but only in certain areas. Banks will close, ATMs and credit cards will stop working, and you’ll need at least three weeks of food and water. If you’re unprepared, don’t worry—the military has your back and will supply what you need. Nonstop education will be broadcast, teaching everyone about the true principles of freedom and justice. Let’s look at the common sense of this statement, how could the United States of America, which has endured for hundreds of years through so many trials and tribulations, shutdown? When you consider what we’ve been through in the last decade alone, how could you even think that banks, atms and credit cards could shutdown for more than a day without causing extreme chaos and suffering. I just can’t buy into the chaos controversy enough to condone how this could happen.

12-2-2024   MarkZ  Comment:  I hear we have an RV this week.  MarkZ:  That’s the word out there…Guess we will see if its fact or fiction. We are very close either way…today and tomorrow are in the crosshairs for pulling the trigger on a reset. There are a ton of rumors for today. It’s interesting that his rhetoric is now more “guess we will see” rather than my contacts say this is the week. But when you use other’s statements and confirm them as fact, you’ve still done the same thing you’ve been doing, just a different tactic.

We’re still looking for real information that will dictate where we are. Until restrictions are lifted, it really doesn’t matter what happens with the currency. While other things would be great news, our involvement relies on the ability to exchange the currency into USD. Harsh reality, until Iraq can internationally use their currency with value, it doesn’t help our hopes for the investment. As the month begins, let’s see what happens with the bank auctions which are SUPPOSED to cease. The problem with Iraq is always the implementation of processes, laws and budgets. They say a lot, but do very little over the last two decades. The hope is that the leadership is committed to finding it’s way to a new path that will lead the country, and it’s currency to completed promises.