Your clock’s been broken for over a decade…

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The time analogies: Imminent, never closer, wake up rich, it’s done, this is the time, and of course, the old school plane is landing.

Regardless of your guru of choice’s analogy for how soon they “absolutely know from their top tier contact” it’s happening, somehow people continue to listen to them time and time again. What part of the insanity definition didn’t you get? I’ve given you example after example and still I get the question, “do you think guru X is right about the timing?” Of course they aren’t, as I’ve stated before, if they say it’s happening today or this weekend, count it out. If and when it happens to occur and one of the guessers gets it right, it’s just that a guess. If you were guessing a number between one and 10 and you took 10 guesses, you’ll eventually get it no matter what. That’s all these quacks are doing, just guessing til they get it right so they can exclaim how “Right they’ve been all along” and “see I told you!” I could give a rat’s rear end if anyone guesses when it happens, I just want it to happen as much as anyone else. This is about expectations, and the constant use of their mediums to make a living off you. How many people subscribed and still listen to this? 10-4-2024 RayRen98   THE CLOCK IS “NO LONGER” TICKING…IT’S DONE!  ALL CURRENCIES ARE SET TO “GO” THIS TIME…NO TECHNICAL ISSUES PRESENT. You gotta be on crack if you think the convict’s brother has any actual information after all this time. Seriously, if you just look short term, he’s said you’d “wake up rich” the last two weeks at least 5 times. Why would you think the results would be different this time?

10-4-2024  Frank26. We know everything up to the float is done.   To make it international will take you from the float to the REER. The float is done? Has there been even a tick of movement in the value of the dinar? What makes you think it’s done? Prove it then. Saying things are done then coming back with the old standby of “one more thing we’re waiting on” just doesn’t cut it anymore.

10-4-2024   Bruce  It could be that we…start exchanges…[Friday] or over the weekend… the prospects of this going [Friday], Saturday through the weekend, is they’re very strong, very strong. Well there you have it, it’s not happening this weekend. Done. If this guy tells you it’s going down, no chance. One definite thing is your contacts are NOT strong, neither one of them have been right.

10-5-2024   Mnt Goat  …the dinar is not going to change in value IN THE COUNTRY OF IRAQ as a result of the project to delete the zeros…No one in Iraq is going to get rich off this swap out…So when we exchange, OUTSIDE of Iraq, we exchange our dinar we will get the rate of exchange for our OWN COUNTRY according to the exchange rate…The banks are going to be VERY strict on this. Ah the old “confuse them with double talk” post. This confused some people because they thought that every country will have a different exchange rate and they would have to go to another country to exchange for a higher rate. This is simple, the dinar will be worth a dinar in Iraq, nothing more, nothing less. If you live in the U.S. you will get the value of the IQD vs the USD, if you live in London, you will get the value of the IQD vs the Euro. It’s not complicated.

10-4-2024   MarkZ   I now have 2 bankers/redemption folks who say they will be working this weekend. One of them said they are making new system software updates….while the other one says they are preparing for an influx of new wealth management clients this month. Nope. Called my Chase/JPM wealth manager that has been emailing me weekly because I told him I was planning on liquidating some assets and asked him about any new system updates, or working to prepare for any influx of wealth management clients. Now to clarify, I asked him earlier about currency exchange, which locations could exchange on site and would there be an special hours offered if I was exchanging a large sum and didn’t want to keep them at home. He explained that most locations in the DC area could exchange onsite and transfer to your account directly and that outside of regular business hours during the week or weekends, there wasn’t a way to be able to exchange at a branch location. Would it make sense to try to carry a large sum of cash to a branch in DC after say, 8pm at night? Absolutely not! You’re asking for bad things to happen to you AND the people at the location. Think common sense. He said nothing special was going on this weekend and HE wasn’t working.

10-4-2024  Samson  Article: “World Bank: Iraq has made progress in improving the business environment, making it globally competitive” Iraq has made huge strides over the last two years especially, another reason I have hopes that good news will continue to filter out of country during the next few months.

Hoping you have a great Saturday and are able to enjoy some family activities. For those still suffering from the devastation of Helene, our thoughts and prayers are with you. If you don’t live close and want to help, please look up reputable donation services or centers you can send help through. If you are in the area and unaffected, remember your neighbors and do what you can, every little bit helps those in need.