Where’s the off switch…

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There are days that I just wish I could flip the switch and all the gurus would not be able to post, talk, chat or blink… I haven’t been fortunate enough to locate that switch yet.

So here we are on a Tuesday in September, how many thousands of times have the gurus called it over the years. Sometimes it’s screamworthy to see the posts roll in, in groups, and pages after pages. It’s like they can’t help themselves, as much as many of you have been addicted to the nonsense over the years, I swear they’re worse, addicted to the attention and monies they’ve learned to pull from posting useless information. So here we go,
9-9-2024   Intel Guru RayRen98  SOME 3-LETTERS HAVE CHAMPAGNE ON ICE, SOME HAVE POPPED THEIR CORK ALREADY…I’M STILL WAITING FOR “ROCK SOLID” CONFIRMATION BEFORE I GRAB MY BOTTLE FROM THE ICE. Why would 3 letter agencies be popping corks? Honestly, the whole of idea that the government is toasting the IQD is ridiculous to me. Let’s do some math, looking at the dinar sites that post information, they average about 100k subscribers. Some of these gurus say they have 17 MILLION followers, what a joke? Do you really think there are 17 million people who would tune in to listen to some guru’s babbling about insurance, CBD or dinar? Absolutely not. In the heyday, there were estimates of about 650,000 dinar holders, those were people who had more than 250k estimated dinar. Over the years, I’ve seen a lot of people pass and who knows what happened to those IQD? Some may have been passed on, some just went by the wayside, at any rate, I know there aren’t 17 million people invested.
9-9-2024   MarkZ  The biggest piece I had over the weekend was more confirmations of continuing education of the lower denominations in Iraq. I had a couple more confirmations that Sudani announced on television that they are planning to raise the value of the dinar during his current administration.  The TV stations are mostly privately held, there’s even one that used to be referred to as Malaki TV. So I’m not totally excited about something that only has the TV as it’s source. The main thing we’re looking for is something posted from the CBI, any currency adjustments would be clearly shown on their site. So all the talk about education, should run through the CBI. Why wouldn’t you post the notes on a credible source for the citizens to look at? So that alleged idea that they would just broadcast everything via the TV or media seems absurd to me.
Well, that and the source of this information also.
9-9-2024   Wolverine   Looks like things are ready to kick off. I am getting news that Iraq is ready to put the Dinar on Forex. If that happens, the RV will start… Ready to kick off huh? But you’ve said it was done every stinking week the last three weeks. Convinced yet this is a guessing game? If ever there was joke for an excuse of information, if they have an animal name particularly, Wolverine, Wolf, or the like, blabbermouths…

There’s quite the debate over some wording that has been put out regarding an article that states, “Article:  “The parallel market will be overturned.  Sources: Upcoming decisions from the central bank that will confuse the markets and raise exchange rate.” Again, while it’s an article, which we’ve discovered how that has its own issues, how this actually shakes out will be determined by what the exchange rate settles at and how they deal with the ramifications of which direction it goes. Expect information to continue to roll out, what we can believe will be followed by actions, so be alert to the things that will be coming out. There’s oil and gas, the investment law, and some other very important laws that are being discussed and supposedly in front of parliament. All good things if they continue their paths and finally are implemented.

More soon.